Game On, WCD's Emerging Artist Initiative
The future is bright in our first ticketed performance of the season!
Featuring new work + new and returning dancers! Witness a fun and exciting evening of talent as an ensemble dancers dive deep into themselves and their dance practice! Audiences can expect laughter, energy and athleticism!
WCD’s Emerging Artist Initiative is generously sponsored by the Gail Asper Family Foundation and is in partnership with the School of Contemporary Dancers.
Buy tickets here
Game On:
Jolene Bailie
Additional Rehearsal Director for "Calibrations of Flux":
Julious Gambalan
Original Sound for "signals to segue":
Emma Hendrix
Costume for New Work:
Megan La Touche
Stage Manager:
Jolene Bailie
Assistant Stage Manager:
Carol-Ann Bohrn
Sienna Denys-Peters, Lee Frketich, Aileen Holzrichter, Ellice Kynman, Thomas Oberlin, Emma Petit, Monica Schilling, Sontje Justine Skabo
Photo (above):
Photo: Leif Norman, Choreography: Jolene Bailie, Dancer: Ellice Kynman
Jolene Bailie
Click for Bio
Jolene Bailie
Photo: Kristen Sawatsky
Julious Gambalan
Click for Bio
Julious Gambalan
Additional Rehearsal Director for “Calibration of Flux”
Photo: Mark Dela Cruz
Emma Henrdix
Click for Bio
Emma Henrdix
Original Sound for signals to segue
Photo: unknown
Megan La Touche
Click for Bio
Megan La Touche
Costumes for new works
Photo: John Gurdebeke
Carol-Ann Bohrn
Click for Bio
Carol-Ann Bohrn
Assistant Stage Manager
Photo: Susanne Middelberg
Sienna Denys-Peters
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Sienna Denys-Peters
Photo: Ross Jordan
Lee Frketich
Click for Bio
Lee Frketich
Photo: Joanna Frketich
Aileen Holzrichter
Click for Bio
Aileen Holzrichter
Photo: DJ-Green
Ellice Kynman
Click for Bio
Ellice Kynman
Photo: Alexis Taylor
Thomas Oberlin
Click for Bio
Thomas Oberlin
Photo: Natalie Sluis
Emma Petit
Click for Bio
Emma Petit
Photo: Bennett Murphy
Monica Schilling
Click for Bio
Monica Schilling
Photo: Lucas Tielman
Sontje Justine Skabo
Click for Bio
Sontje Justine Skabo
Photo: Taylor Weins
WCD’s 60th Anniversary Tribute to Rachel Browne
We open the subscription series celebrating WCD’s founder, Rachel Browne! Some of Rachel’s most memorable works will be performed, including Sending Love, KJ4, My Romance and more!
Featuring an ensemble of Winnipeg-based dancers and lighting by Hugh Conacher! We are excited to mark this milestone season by celebrating our great founder, Rachel Browne, while showcasing dancers of today.
Artist Talk to follow Sunday matinee
WCD’s Tribute to Rachel Browne is sponsored by the Asper Foundation
Buy tickets here
WCD’s 60th Anniversary Tribute to Rachel Browne:
Rachel Browne
Hugh Conacher
Stage Manager:
Samantha Desiree
Costumes for "Fine", "Thank You" and "My Romance":
Megan La Touche
Carol-Ann Bohrn, Raymark Capacete, Justine Erickson, Julious Gambalan,Aileen Holzrichter, Ellice Kynman, Thomas Oberlin
Photo (above):
Boris Minkevich
Rachel Browne
Click for Bio
Rachel Browne
WCD Founder, Choreographer
Photo: Boris Minkevich
Jolene Bailie
Click for Bio
Jolene Bailie
Producer, Rehearsal Director
Photo: Kristen Sawatsky
Kristin Haight
Click for Bio
Kristin Haight
Rehearsal Director
Hugh Conacher
Click for Bio
Hugh Conacher
Photo: Leif Norman
Megan La Touche
Click for Bio
Megan La Touche
Costumes for Fine, Thank You and My Romance
Photo: John Gurdebeke
Samantha Desiree
Click for Bio
Samantha Desiree
Stage Manager
Photo: Charmaine Mallari
Carol-Ann Bohrn
Click for Bio
Carol-Ann Bohrn
Photo: Susanne Middelberg
Reymark Capacete
Click for Bio
Reymark Capacete
Photo: Jordan Nepon
Justin Erickson
Click for Bio
Justin Erickson
Photo: Courtney Maertens
Julious Gambalan
Click for Bio
Julious Gambalan
Photo: Mark Dela Cruz
Aileen Holzrichter
Click for Bio
Aileen Holzrichter
Photo: DJ Green
Ellice Kynman
Click for Bio
Ellice Kynman
Photo: Alexis Taylor
Thomas Oberlin
Click for Bio
Thomas Oberlin
Photo: Natalie Sluis
OLD by Margie Gillis
WCD is thrilled to welcome back Canadian Icon, Margie Gillis, and her new full-length solo show, OLD.
Created in collaboration with Winnipeg-based Visual Artist, Randal Newman.
Aging is an uneven process of fall and recovery, of loss and discovery. As the material world dissolves, the energy in all things becomes vivid and clear. How do we traverse this new landscape with joy, and honesty? How can curiosity and active yielding, help us embrace mystery? How do we hold the mantel of ageing and patience, through physical loss? OLD is a bumpy journey of possibility.
“… It is rooted in the intimate, shared experience of dance. In the clarity of intentions, and above all, in an astonishing mastery of relationships – with breath, emotions, movement, space, the audience.” – Catherine Lalonde, Le Devoir
Artist Talk to follow Sunday matinee
Buy tickets here
Dancer and Choreographer :
Margie Gillis
Margie Gillis and Randal Newman
Set Design :
Randal Newman
Lighting Design :
Pierre Lavoie
Margie Gillis, Randal Newman, Sonya Bayer
Video Creation, Sound And Video Director :
Samuel Thériault
Artistic Assistant :
Hoor Malas
Music :
Sebastian Zawadzki, Laurence Hobgood, Jacques Brel, John Abberger, Gaétan Leboeuf, Hozier, David Fray
Photo (avove):
Sasha Onyshchenko
Margie Gillis
Click for Bio
Margie Gillis
Dancer and Choreographer
Photo: Sasha Onyshchenko
Randal Newman
Click for Bio
Randal Newman
Set Design
Pierre Lavoie
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Pierre Lavoie
Lighting Design
Samuel Thériault
Click for Bio
Samuel Thériault
Video Creation, Sound And Video Director
Hoor Malas
Click for Bio
Hoor Malas
Artistic Assistant
New Work
Since this beginning of time, humans have been imagining and creating their futures. The final show of WCD’s 60th Anniversary features works that are looking to 2084 and beyond!
More info to be announced!
Artist Talk to follow Sunday matinee
Photo (above):
Photo: Leif Norman, Choreography: Jolene Bailie, Dancer: Reymark Capacete